Types Of Water Filtration Methods And Which Ones You Should Use

Everyone deserves to have clean water for their daily use. That’s why we filter water to make it safe for consumption.

There are many types of water filtration methods, but each has its own advantages hence the need to understand your needs and pick one that is right for you.

Let’s look at a few methods so you can make an informed decision in the future.


This is one of the oldest and most effective water filtration system and it has been around for ages, way before technology introduced other methods.

The process involves bringing water to a boil until it vaporizes and condenses into a liquid. Later, the pure water is collected in a clean container leaving the solid impurities behind.

The extensive heat used kills the impurities and makes water safe for you and your family. While the method is highly effective, it’s pretty energy-intensive if you have a large family that consumes a significant amount of water.

Activated charcoal

While boiling water effectively kills bacteria, it isn’t a good choice when it comes to removing heavy metals, chemicals, or organic contaminants.

Activated charcoal works for a significant amount of water, so you can quickly have pure water at your disposal without exerting too much effort.

The charcoal absorbs harmful substances as the water passes over the charcoal. The impurities are trapped in the tiny pores of the carbon, which is why they call it activated.

What’s even better is that there are activated charcoal filters today that you can hook to your tap and have pure freshwater anytime you open your water source!

Reverse osmosis

This type of water filtration also works for small families because it requires a lot of effort. The process involves passing water through a semi-permeable membrane leaving the impurities behind.

Although the membrane is able to block and retain most of the impurities, it does not remove dissolved gases in the water. 

The process also requires you to have high-pressured water, or else the membrane may be unable to retain the impurities.

Although this process is economical and low maintenance, it requires you to meet other conditions that not every homeowner can achieve.

UV water filtration

This type of water filtration is used as a secondary method because, as a standalone, it cannot effectively remove impurities.

The system is usually installed under a sink or water source, and the high UV rays inside the chambers work to kill any bacteria in the water.

If you are looking only to purify water, this method is for you. However, if your goal is to remove mineral contaminants from water, it is best to try other filtration methods or use both.

Activated Alumina

If you struggle with teeth staining as a result of drinking water rich in fluoride, this is the perfect method to try for water distillation.

The Alumina removes fluoride and other impurities from water and makes it safe for consumption.

While this method solves the fluoride issue, there is the risk of Alumina leaking and sipping into your water.

If you are not comfortable with this, it can be a bother. Thankfully, Alumina is not harmful, so you can drink the water without worry.

Bottom Line

When selecting a water filtration method, there is no single one-size-fits-all method. It all depends on your needs and preferences.

It also depends on your type of water as the level of impurities differs.

Thankfully, with each part or whole house water filtration Meadville method, you get a step closer to pure and safe water.

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